What is this?
This site is for you to track your best lap times at various tracks and various configurations. We are constantly adding new tracks and layouts. If you don’t see one that you would like to see added, either request it via the Forums or sending us an email.
How do I submit lap times of my own?
1. Create an account here.
2. Add a vehicle to your garage. For more info go to “How do I add a vehicle to my garage?”
3. Using the menu, go to the Continent where the track is located
4. Select the track.
5. Select the configuration that you want to add your lap time to.
6. Click the link “Add your lap time to this configuration.”
7. Finally, fill out the form and hit submit. If you have a video, include the URL of the video in the video link field to share your successful lap!
How do I add a vehicle to my garage?
1. Navigate to your profile by either the Menu or using the “Add a Vehicle to your Garage” link in the Lap Submission form.
2. Under the User menu option on the left, go to “Garage“
3. Click “Add a vehicle to your garage.”
4. Fill out the form. If you don’t see your vehicle listed, check back later or select “Not Listed”… you can always change this later!
How do I edit a lap time I’ve submitted previously?
1. Navigate to the lap time either via the Track Configurations list or to “View My Laps”.
2. Click the actual date of the lap, this will bring you to a form to update your time.
3. You can also add a link to the video of the lap, if you forgot to do so before.
How do I view a video of someone’s lap?
1. In any of the lap time lists, you can select the lap time to see the video of the lap.
How can I advertise on your site?